January 2022
Hi there! Anna here.
In light of a pretty busy January, I wanted to take a moment to pull together a photo album of sorts to share some highlights and reflections from the last few weeks.
A lot's been going on around here, but I haven't been posting about any of it on our social media purely due to a lack of motivation to open up the dang app.
I hesitate even to mention that because I don't want to assume anyone's noticed or cares all that much, but the distance between posts has been growing, and I felt like mentioning that sometimes silence online is simply a sign of life being lived - nothing deeper than that.
But life is also worth sharing about - especially with our sweet community here. So even if all I have to offer you are the calm, pretty, stylized moments, let me mention that there's messiness in the undocumented in-between moments too.
So here I am. I've just been busy. Let me invite you into some of the busyness with a re-cap of what January 2022 looked like here at Chez Núñez!
I'll lay out my updates in reverse chronological order.
Jesús and I ended this month with a trip to Asheville to spend time with our close friends who moved to a different state last year. We froze our little Florida butts off, ate some really good food, and caught up with these people we love.
Gan Shan West (My favorite restaurant in Asheville)
At the start of the month, I took a solo trip to Arizona for a mastermind retreat led by Emily Jeffords and her team. A mastermind is basically a program that 25 talented, creative, boss business women and I have all committed to for the year. We're in it to see growth in our businesses/work and to support each other with the unique perspectives, experiences, and wisdom we bring to the table along the way. I'm super excited to be taking part and thankful for the way I'm sure it'll impact our lives and work.
The retreat in Phoenix was meant to kick off the year by bringing us all together to meet one another face to face, creating space for us to discuss ideas and cast vision for the year ahead. It was so beautiful and engaging and inspiring that I took hardly any pictures - but I guess that's a good sign.
I was honestly pretty nervous about going out west because it meant I needed to overcome a big fear of traveling alone, but I'm glad to say I made it to the other side feeling more confident and empowered by the whole experience. Praise God.
In between these two trips that bookended our month, Jesús and I have really just had our heads down at our desks, continuing to work on our massive signature branding course that we're planning to launch this April. The course will teach you EVERYTHING we know about building and cultivating your own brand.
We've also managed to create a little free logo workshop this month that we're launching on Tuesday, February 1, 2022 - which I'm thrilled to share!!
All the while trying to get in some painting time (for me) and music time (for Jesús). Whew.
If I'm being completely honest, it's been an interesting season of both stillness and overwhelm, rest and restlessness, worries and wins for me personally. I've been praying a lot for more peace of mind and overall contentment. As we get on with the new year, I've been striving to settle into some more sustainable rhythms for my day-to-day work as I try to balance Chez Núñez and a desire to see my fine art practice grow. I'm doing my best to set gentler pacing for the year. Perhaps you feel that too.
In moments where I find myself stressing, these are some sweet reminders that I've been returning to and telling myself:
You're probably going to feel differently about this tomorrow, next week, next month, etc. This moment is not permanent, and it does not define you.
As a business owner, it's easy to go through seasons of feeling like I'm crushing it and then the next day immediately wondering what the hell I'm doing with my whole life, lol. So this one helps settle me down with a broader perspective.
You don't have to climb the whole mountain today; you just have to take one small baby step and then keep going tomorrow.
You're not going to add a single hour to your life by worrying.
This one comes from a scripture in the book of Matthew in the Bible that's dear to my heart. Jesus is talking about how God takes care of the birds of the air and the flowers of the field - imagine how much greater His love must be for us.
Overall, this month holds a special place in my heart. It had some ups and downs and mundane in-betweens. Through the challenges, I feel hopeful that beautiful things are on the horizon, and I'm excited to share more of them with you.
Wishing you a sweet ending to this month and a beautiful start to February!
Talk to ya soon,