Where I Find My Best Design Inspiration
Hey there. Anna here. I wanted to write a little blog post on the topic of inspiration, with a handful of sources that often bring me a good deal of it when it comes to design. Because although a great idea sometimes demands an open hand and a period of patience, deadlines are also a thing, and it helps to have some reliable sources to turn to when a design project lands on my table that needs finishing.
Without fail, I can almost always rely on these three roads to lead me down a wildly fun and inspiring path towards new design work:
1. Pinterest
I wanted to start out with something much more original and mysterious than Pinterest, but hell, this is just where a LOT of my inspiration comes from. It's a bottomless pool of inspiration that I can carry in my pocket, use to store ideas within boards, and reference whenever I need a creative spark to help keep me moving forward.
Here are the four boards that I'm adding to and referring back to the most often:
2. Design Archives like the Sainsbury Archive + Letterform Archive
I discovered both of these incredible sources - the Sainsbury Archive and Letterform Archive - through newsletters from Hoodzpah Design Co. (who are incredible) and have since returned to these catalogs of inspiration whenever the Pinterest algorithm isn't cutting it. Vintage designs, with bold type and muted colors, have always really excited me - so these two resources have been delightful to explore.
3. The wild, baby.
I continually have my eyes peeled for type in the wild that I can either use to kick-start font ideas, enhance a product for our shop, or incorporate into client work. I've gotten some of my best inspiration from antique and thrift stores, old books and objects from said stores, art gallery exhibits, and signage (like faded billboards and interesting signs from shops or hotels). If something has a weathered look to it, it'll probably catch my eye, and then I'll snap an image on my phone to likely stow away in my camera roll for a rainy day.
Regardless of the project, the beginning stages of my creative process usually involve keeping my eyes peeled wherever I go - staying eager and open to new ideas finding me. Sometimes, inspiration will come when I least expect it, so I try to keep ready with a Notes folder on my phone and camera phone in my pocket. My advice for you if you need a creative boost is to do the same. Continue to stay open, and don't stop searching. Inspiration is truly everywhere if you're willing to stop and notice it.
“I believe that inspiration will always try its best to work with you—but if you are not ready or available, it may indeed choose to leave you and to search for a different human collaborator.”