CN Course-Welcome Image

Hey there!

Welcome to the home page of the Chez Núñez Branding Course! Thank you SO much for investing your time and money in this educational experience. Jesús and I are honored that you’re here and excited to share all about our branding process with you in the material below.

In order to get the most out of this course, we recommend working through each of the chapters in order, downloading all of the provided PDF documents, and making sure to participate in our private Facebook group! Here’s the link to join:

Inside the FB group, Jesús will be going LIVE 4 times in the month of January 2021 to answer any questions that you might have in response to the material. We hope that this group will be a place where you can show support to fellow students, share your work, and hopefully receive encouragement along the way. We’re really excited about this component, so we hope you’ll jot down questions and share them in the group as you move through each chapter!

If you have come across any questions that cannot be addressed on Facebook, you can reach us at, where we answer emails on weekdays and during business hours.

Again, THANK YOU so much for taking part in this course! We truly hope that you enjoy and benefit from the information shared.


- Anna + Jesús Núñez, Founders and Creatives at Chez Núñez

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Chapter 1

Welcome to the Chez Núñez Branding Course! We’re so glad you’re here.

Chapter One offers some backstory on the history of our business, guidance on how to get the most from the material you’re about to work through, and offers up a word of encouragement.

PDF Downloads: “FB LIVE Schedule”, “Gear and Technology List”, + “Chapter One Transcript”

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chapter 2

Chapter Two is all about branding 101. Inside, we unpack the importance of a strong brand and why having a solid process in place can help you design one.

PDF Downloads: “Glossary of Branding Terms”, “Branding Assets Checklist”, + “Chapter Two Transcript”

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chapter 3

Chapter Three walks you through the 7-phase process we use at Chez Núñez to take a client from an inquiry to a finished set of heartfelt branding assets.

PDF Downloads: “Client Brand Questionnaire”, “Feedback Questionnaire”, “Brand Process Summary”, + “Chapter Three Transcript”

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chapter 4

In Chapter Four, we take you behind the scenes of a project for one of our ACTUAL branding clients!

We've included real email exchanges, questionnaires, presentations, and an explanation of how we arrived at our finished work using each phase of our process! This might be our favorite part of the whole course.

PDF Download: “Chapter Four Transcript”

chapter 5

Chapter Five encourages you to take what you've learned and apply it to your brand. It then offers three branding assignments for you to work through, designed to help boost your portfolio and attract more ideal clients.

PDF Downloads: “3 Fictitious Creative Briefs” + “Chapter Five Transcript”

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chapter 6

Chapter Six is a sign off that offers further direction for the continued support from the Chez Núñez community. We’re so excited to continue to cheer you on following this course!

PDF Download: “Chapter Six Transcript”

Special Bonus • (Added 1/15/21)

We recently put together a collection of customizable style guide templates (set to launch in our shop on Jan. 26, 2021), but we wanted to give them to you early for FREE!

Click the button below to download all five templates, watch our instructional demonstration video, and start applying your beautiful designs to cohesive, easy-to-use style guides.


Resource Center

PDF Downloads

Chapter Transcripts

Facebook Group

Additional Resources